The Speed
Our resins are engineered to print at very high speeds and have been tested to go up to 100mm/h on our printers. The low viscosity of the resins helps us to achieve fast speeds.
Sharpness & Surface
Sharpness is the key factor of our resins, as it gives the prints a real feel of what has been designed. With our special formulations and using the software technology, we make sure to achieve a smoother surface for less work in polishing and gold saving.
The Castability
Our resins are meltable, with unique formulations, and by using the polymers that can burn out very fast, with almost no ash. Gives clean castings on parts with engravings and micro pave. Normal wax burnout can be used for our resins.
Our focus is to make it possible for the whole jewelry industry to move toward direct casting. We strive hard to have resins that are cost-effective as compared to resins available in the market. By giving the customer more prints per kg and nominal in price.
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